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NorthStar Pressure Washer Kit with Honda GX200 Engine, 3300 PSI, 2.5 GPM, CAT 4DNX Pump

The NorthStar Pressure Washer Kit with Honda GX200 Engine is a top-grade pressure washer that offers superior cleaning at home or jobsites. It features a CAT direct drive triplex pump with forged brass manifold and ceramic plungers for outstanding durability, while the included mounting plate allows for stable, convenient mounting to trailers, w…
The NorthStar Pressure Washer Kit with Honda GX200 Engine is a top-grade pressure washer that offers superior cleaning at home or jobsites. It features a CAT direct drive triplex pump with forged brass manifold and ceramic plungers for outstanding durability, while the included mounting plate allows for stable, convenient mounting to trailers, work trucks, existing pressure washer carts and more. With an industry-leading warranty to give you extra peace of mind, this kit includes everything you need to get started right away.
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Northern Tool
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The NorthStar Pressure Washer Kit with Honda GX200 Engine is a top-grade pressure washer that offers superior cleaning at home or jobsites. It features a CAT direct drive triplex pump with forged brass manifold and ceramic plungers for outstanding durability, while the included mounting plate allows for stable, convenient mounting to trailers, work trucks, existing pressure washer carts and more. With an industry-leading warranty to give you extra peace of mind, this kit includes everything you need to get started right away.

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Brand NameNorthstar